Saturday, February 23, 2008

the CREATOR by Gregory Bodenhamer EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION for Parents and Teachers »

PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian Gregory Bodenhamer

by peopletopia @ 2007-12-18 - 17:44:07
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopians
Between the coversAll Rights Reserved 2008,Gregory Bodenhamer’sLittle Earth LAWS©
Your Inheritance from the Past
Truth for no favors,Love without chance.
From the Bedrock of Evolutionthe truth revealed about Civilization,the rituals of Courtship, pride andprejudice of Citizenship, the lack ofcomplete Education, the understandingof Experience and Emotions.
Little EarthLAWS
Between the covers,Truth for no favors,Love without chance.EvolutionCivilizationEducationCitizenshipExperienceCourtshipEmotionsAdversityComplimentsJudgements
Between the covers of this book arethe many compositionsthat reveal to you,maybe for the first time,
The Absolute Truth About People.
This remarkable book, every rightword in the right place,
reveals to you the truth aboutyou and every other human beingon our little earth.
These Little Earth Law’sonce learned and appliedgives you the ability and the powerto change yourself, persuade other people,remove fear from your lifeand gain success within life,the rare achievementthat you were born to achieve.
Little Earth Law’schange everything.
This condensed writing isbased on absolute and proven research.
Little Earth Law’s gives you theNaked Truthabout all human being.
There is no other book anywherethat allows the average personto learn and understandcomplex and powerfulsecrets of the human beingthat we know today.
With generosity of spirit the authorGregory Bodenhamertells you everything that yourmother didn't know andyour father wasn't sure.
From vanity to vendettas everythingis explored and explained.
You will become playfuland angry at the same time.
You will become smart,wise and kind and people will listento every word you whisper.
This is an adult presentation and alwaysprecise and backed by proven sciencesand disciplines around the world.
Little Earth Law’sPeopleNologyPeopleTopians
Little Earth Research & Publishing CompanyMechanicsburg Pa 17055
Welcome toLittle Earth Law’sby Gregory Bodenhamer
We’re going to journey together, first in the mind and then wecan look at things together.
The first thing that my students must admit is that otherpeople have walked the earth before they were born. Soundssimple enough?
It seems that it takes two human beings to make one you.Two people made one you. They’re had to be people beforeyou to make you.
Surely you must believe that your parents were born beforeyou? Most of us know our parents and we can accept thenotion that they were around before they made us.
If you take this linear thinking back far enough we haveseveral things to review and learn together.
As a human being you have played in the grass and playedgames with your friends? You have hidden behind bushes,jumped to your feet to scare your best friend, hurled a fewstones into a puddle of water, shrieking and yelling songs,names and observations.
In school you were taught that once upon a time we mostlikely lived in a cave, ate raw meat, huddled around openfires for apparent safety waiting for the sun to come up again.
Welcome toLittle Earth Law’sby Gregory Bodenhamer
You were taught about World War I in high school and youaccept it as true? You were taught about the Roman Empireand prehistoric man using spears?
You have accepted knowledge from your teachers?
Youwent from playing in the grass to learning about World Warsfrom school teachers and watching t.v. without noticing thatyou believe everything you’re taught.
If you believe in Christopher Columbus, the north face ofEiger mountain, the Roman Empire, the Pyramids were builtto house dead pharaoh's, Lipton tea, the Human heart,Ancient times, a Drop of water, a Grain of wheat, the Equator,Music, a Printing press, a Necklace of gold, a White horse ona hill than you are just like everybody else.
You have the education provided to you by the society thatyou live within. If you’re lucky enough to travel the world youcan sit in the sun at the Equator.
If you have the time andenough rope you can go climb the face of Eiger mountain,maybe have a Kodak moment and bring a picture back tohave proof of life?
You can boil some water on your electricstove and have some hot Lipton tea?
The human beings that build the Pyramids needed no helpfrom you or modern technology.
Accept this as true.
Cave-dwellers created wall paintings thousands of years agoand they didn't need you. Accept this as true.
Welcome toLittle Earth Law’sby Gregory Bodenhamer
People, human beings, have roamed this earth for millions ofyears. Accept this as true.
Without ever using the PonyExpress you believe it was a real business?
In your mind andheart you believe that your parents came before you and theirparents before them?
Let’s go all the way back.
Lets go all the way back to the beginning of time.
Time as weknow it is abstract.
It’s a man made marvel that keeps thetrain running on time, gives Timex something to do, helpsguide you to work and puts the space shuttle on track.
We’re going back before we invented time. There were nofactories, no streets, no gunpowder and none of thetechnology and information we take for granted today.
Let your mind wander back to the time of tall grass with youand your friends, hiding behind bushes, playing and runningaround in circles.
Try to use your minds eye and remember skipping the rockacross the water. Remember holding hands and singingsongs while playing in the woods.
Remember the timeswhen your parents provided all the food, clothing and shelterthat you needed.
Now keep going back in time.
Way back to prehistoric times,before fishing poles, automobiles, computers, writtenlanguage when a tool was not yet invented, nothing but tallgrass.
There we are, just a few of us, a group of human beings, thesilent hunters of the prehistoric past, sitting in the tall grass,but not playing, not really understanding the termplaying, just hunger, something our body tells us aboutseveral times a day.
We’re under the tree, all we know is that the sun makes uswarm and the shade relieves the power of the sun.
We don’tknow what the sun is, it’s up there, always over us, shiningand then leaving us to the darkness.
We’re prehistoric, tens and tens of thousands of years ago,most likely millions of years ago.
We’re sitting in the tall grass, hiding behind the bushesquietly waiting for a heard of bison to pass close to us, alwayshungry, always looking for food, always hiding.
If the bison gets close we will throw stones and we will wavebranches as we jump to our feet, yelling and shrieking tryingto herd the bison and control their movements.We want the bison to stamped straight over the cliff edge totheir death on the rocks below.One animal killing another. If it works there will be plenty ofmeat to eat for the hunters.
You can picture this in your minds eye. The stronger animal,the human being, preying on the weaker animal the bison.We were alone, just a few of us and we learned how tosurvive. We attacked sick animals, slower animals, herdswhile they crossed deep rivers and herded them off cliffs tokill them.That person, that human being, sitting and waiting in the tallgrass still lives entirely inside you today.The shocking truth about human beings, including me andyou is really not taught in schools today.The inner workings of you have been researched by the bestminds all over the world for hundreds of years.This inheritance of the past, the true history about you is nothistory at all. The real you from a million years ago is thesame you that will drive or fly to work Monday morning.Little Earth Law’s reveal all the dramatic things abouthumans that other humans don’t teach to the masses ofhumans on earth.Your inheritance of the past, these little earth laws that havebeen discovered have seemingly been reserved toonly a small percentage of the world population.
All human beings roamed the earth just trying to find food.The search for food is what we did. The search for food is thefirst thing and the last thing our brains thought about.
That same human, those same thoughts provided by natureare all alive and well inside you right now.
Think of a prehistoric hunter. We had no education we hadexperience. We understood hunger because humannature told us, we could feel hunger.
About 7,500 BCone of us or several of us invented the bow and arrow. Thatwas a giant leap in technology for a prehistoric tribe. Wecould kill faster animals. We could eat better and of coursewe could kill each other.
The same human being supplied and invented by humannature or another being or a super natural power is the exactsame human that lived millions of years ago.
We havelearned that a cow tastes good so we herd them up and eatthem by the millions.We don’t lure bison to a cliff. We build enclousures calledfences and herd the animals inside and simply kill them oneat a time.
We don’t dig pits anymore and hope something toeat runs in and cant get out.
Would you like to learn the entire story? Send us an email.